Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A peace morning with a peace mind

Good morning. How are you? :)
I have a good habit lately, not to straightly goes to sleep after having my early breakfast (Sahur). I'd keep awake until day, then I'll continue my sleep. So here I am nothing to do and got an inspiration to write my thought about young marriage. Please don't laugh or starring me skeptically, I haven't been married obviously the post only about my thought, so please be open minded fellas. ;)

First, I have a lot of big dreams, dreams that I am too embarassed to reveal it here (maybe someday I will). One of them, is to getting married at young age around 22-23 years old. I've told my parents about it and asked them to pray for me that I'll get my Mr. Right sooner or later. But, *laughs* my Dad seemed to against my will to get married too soon, I guess he doesn't like the idea of losing me that fast.
The idea itself I got it not because I haven't been thinking about it, I've been through lot of experiences that got me to this conclusion.

Marriage, was a word that sounded creepy for me. Imagine you have to hold bigger responsibility, you lost your time to serve your family and etc. Live with someone you love might be great pleasure, but that time I was too scared of commitment, living with the same person for all your life gave me a goosebumps. Up until now I am still scared of commitment, because I usually getting bored easily. Which was, the main reason why my past relationships always failed miserably haha..

And then how come young marriage interested me since I was scared of commitment?
well... because I found out that, I was scared of the commitment on being a relationship with a boyfriend.
I was scared on being too in love with someone I was in relationship with.
I was scared because I clearly knew these relationship(s) won't bring us anywhere, we'll stuck on as date couple, there is no guarantee he will pick me up as his bride in future. So, everything I had with him was useless, every sweet and loving memories will be just histories, and there was no point of having a relationship with no future ahead.
And I was scared because what I thought was love, would make me give everything to him, my heart, my time, my physical being, everything that I supposed to save it to the right person.

I decided to prepare to get married in such young age other than to keep myself away from any sins, my religion also stated it to get married rather than have an unsure relationship with opposite gender.
Double points, two in a row, I hold into my belief and I also do what my religion stated us.

Some people might said, having relationship is a way to choose your future partner in life.
You are absolutely not wrong, I won't defy it because it's your opinion and it's your choice.
As for me, relationship or hooking up or whatever it called, not so important anymore.
Maybe you thought, how could you ever find your Mr. Right if you don't first, start a relationship with him? Well, dear as in my belief, a Mr. Right won't ask you to be your girlfriend.

He will ask you to be your wife, and a mother for his child. 

That is exactly how I'll know who is my Mr. Right, and that is exactly where will I put my commitment is.

Just wish me luck to accomplish these dream, because I'll need a guardian (?) if I continue my study in UK, soon. Aamiin!

As for you who already in relationship, I give my best wishes he/she would be the one of your life.Aamiin!

This post was only for share, if any of my words are inappropiate for you, I am sorry because imperfectness are part of human being. Thanks for your time and have nice day ;) x x x


1 comment:

  1. I amazed with your perception on this, as a Moslem, I totally agree in this terms. When I was teenager, I thought that this was silly, and now I regret it. Luckily I only have 2 relationship in my past, and ever since I broke up from my previous relationship, I realize that how painful it is to loose someone whom I really care, and I don't want to feel that pain again. I want to have a Life-Partner who will always be there for me, through thick and thin, health and sick, happy and sad, sharing every moment together until the death do us apart. And I found her, she has the exact perception with you. Currently I don't have any special relationship with her. But we have so many things in common if only she knows me well.
    sorry for the long comment,you're post is really got into me.
