Assalamualaikum Wr. wb.
Good evening and what a good timing to neglect my pre-final project report. I suppose to working on my report instead posting a blog, but well, whatever happen, happen.
They said we live in this world only for a moment, as short as a blink of an eye. They said we're all a musafir that pass through this world on our way to another world which will be eternal.
If that true, and that indeed true. I gladly spend the rest of my day do pray, shalat, and recite Al-Quran. I'll cover myself from head to toe and leaving only my eyes. Because i appreciate what i have and i want to protect it, and only show it to a person who shared me his ribs.
But we all blinded by the luxury our earth offers. If we think more if we seek more, our earth are nothing compared to our universe, thus we'll never get enough of anything from earth.
Speaking of which.. if we only live for a short moment on earth, why bother? Why bother with beautiful clothes, why bother with big house, or an expensive car, why bother exploiting your body?
If you possessed all that, will you bring it to your grave?
If you possessed a beautiful face will it last when you die?
Dear me. Why bother?
I sometimes confused, what kind of person will i may be? i used to be so ambitious, i want to be this or that or i want to have this and that. If i don't becoming successful --what will my society say? Until i realized i was tired from pleasing myself, i will never get enough even i get half of the world's treasures.
But still, while we live we have to sought our best! Make the best out of our live based on our need, not our thirst.
Wassalamualaikum, wr. wb.
P.s : I forgot halfway what i wanted to write about, if i remember i might add and edit this post C: